Sunday, September 26, 2010


I was at this place this weekend called amicalola falls... it was a bunch of rapids that were like these natural water slides, right so me,my friend sophie,and my other friend kieya were like going down these really cool natural water slides it was so crazy!!!. we tried to stop this one time but it didn't work out to well and i ended up hurting my hip:(... other than that it was pretty fun

till next time
peace,love, and happiness:)

Friday, September 17, 2010

i was thinking!!!

     so i'm in girl scouts and we were talking about what we could make to raise money for our troop. so if you have any suggestions please don't hesitate to comment... i really need your help!!!. all we have so far is:

.little trinkets for halloween
.little neckaleces with cute little sayings
.halloween pillows
and making like hoods or something like that for halloween costumes.
  please i need your help!!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


So i was thinking what if i really went so indepth that you would actually comment!!!. so here i am.

    PLOT:so there was a raciallly divided town in cleveland, ohio and no one around to try and bring them together. except for a little Vietnamese girl... at first a vacant trash piled lot looked like no place for a garden but this little Vietnamese girl transformed that vacant lot into a place for anyone of all cultures and diversities.

SETTING:so this story happens in a time period that i think we all know pretty well. the 21st century. in as i said before cleveland, ohio.

   CHARACTERS:there are multipule characters in this story. I am going to pick out the 3 that i really admire. sae young is one because i really admire her courage. She had a pretty rough life i mean her husband died at the age of 37 from a heart attack. She didn't have any children to share the grief with i mean seriously. sae young was even beat up and stolen from,but she didn't let that stop next person is maricella. she has a baby at 16 and she is mexican. her parents kicked her out and she is living in cleveland,ohio. i really admire her because even though for a brief time she wished her baby was dead she never made any actions to kill her child. She just dealt with it.The very last person I'm going to say is leonna because she was a go getter she never backed down nor gave up. she wanted that lot cleaned and that's what she had done she didn't back down until that vacant trash filled lot was completly cleaned.

   THEME:I thought that the theme was no matter what our diversities or cultures we can all come together for something that we all love...

the author is paul fleishman. really you gotta read this book...

Monday, September 6, 2010

Im back

   so i am back and i have some more to say about seed folks. leonna really recognize with me because she wanted to change things i often feel like this when i see things that aren't really helping people (A)get along and (B) make the community better. i also recognize that florence was the person that really saw the garden die then get reborn. and then she realized that the first people working in the garden were seed folk they were like the first people to bring the community together and treat everyone as an equal. florence realized that these were the first seed folk. and that they were going to save were she grew up...